Thursday, October 04, 2007

Pei and me always broach the seriously lame categories of conversation and delve into it like we were fallen pins under the inevitable pull of gravity.

Spoken over kang kong and hokkien mee

She was commenting on how 滥交 I was because I add unknown people in friendster. Sadly my frivolous nature was put under scrutiny but I bounced back immediately by saying that wasn't 滥交 but it is called 网交, a term that I coined for people whom I know through the net. I obviously had nothing good in my brain, because I added that people whom I know through the phone are called 口交. Ahahaa. Talking about a blow-job here. Of cause no one will be impressed by that. Hence I continued. People whom I know through common interests are then called 兴交 (性交). For example, people whom I play soccer with are 兴交. Jow and co are all 兴交.


The Dirty Chee Go Pek in me soon took a heavy beating in the form of extreme lameness from pei. Who else? She really ranks high in the lame department. Gosh. She shot a rapid series of 交s.

她交出来的好成绩~~ Her results.

1. Those who visit the gyms are called 强力交 (强力胶)
Lameness rating = 4/5

2. Whenever it is 1st and the 15th of the lunar month, I am a 素交 (塑胶) because I eat vegetarian on these 2 days. !!
Lameness rating = 5/5

3. Those whose face turned green when they hear 冷笑话 are called 青交 (青椒). -_-
Lameness rating = 4.5/5

4. When it is 8月15中秋节, mid autumn festival, those who carries lanterns are 灯笼交 (灯笼椒- capsicum)
Lameness rating = 4/5

arghhh... I returned a few

1. Those who are very sweet smelling and uses perfume are called 香交 (香蕉).
Lameness rating = 3.5/5

2. Then those whom we know either during August, or 8th day of the month or anything to do with 8 are all called 八交 (芭蕉).
Lameness rating = 4/5

3. Those known to crap and talk nonsense are called 胡交 (胡椒).~~
Lameness rating = 3/5

Lalalaa. She still continued after dinner with a very very forced statement.

"Hor hor. You made Ah Chua angry. Then he will not friend you anymore. You will become 林没交 (林梅娇- a mediacorp actress)!!"
Lameness rating = 5/5

Ah Chua is Lim_kia mah. hahaaa.

Erm, I replied that those who loves to watch porn magazine are called (黄纸交) 黄子佼
Lameness rating = 3/5


Well, to conclude..

Average rating
Pei vs me
4.5 vs 3.6

She really won hands down.
Just one more yeah. Those who knows jow is called 交交~~ jow jow~~

ps: Others have been excluded due to the explicit content in it. Lol.


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